I finally used some of my yellow curry paste last night and it was truly incredible. I do not often say that about my food. I am always tweaking recipes and thinking about how it could be better. Well, it I don’t think it gets better than this. Make this on a day when you…
Sauerkraut Suggestions I might be addicted to sauerkraut. In fact, I am eating some right now while I type this. So, I thought I would share with you all some of my favorite sauerkraut combinations in case you ever make it and have no idea what to do with all that. Check out my post…
Just this week, the world grew cold. John started burning all the yard debris and wood scraps from his fair weather construction projects while we scrambled to plant trees before the first freeze. Leo insists on wearing every pair of mittens and socks he can find(regardless if they fit him), and layering pajamas under his…
The hardest part about making this cheese is cleaning the cheesecloth. It is perfect for Raviolis and Lasagnas, but Im eating it right now with some fresh cherry belle radishes and loving it. I learned how to make this simple fresh cheese from one of my most beloved cookbooks, The Kitchen Ecosystem by Eugenia Bone,…
I must always have something fermented in my fridge. More often than not, it is cabbage. There are so many reasons this is the classic vegetable to ferment. It is extremely cheap. It has a flavor that is sweet, mild, and open to endless seasoning variations. Its crispiness is perfect for maintaining some crunch despite…